Apex Code |
public class HandOverController {
@InvocableMethod(label='Update Product Consumption' description='Updates Product Consumption in SerializedProduct' category='SerializedProduct')
public static List<Response> getRecordsForProductConsumption(List<Requests> rqstInputs){
if(rqstInputs == null) return new List<Response>();
//input varaibles from flow
String productId = rqstInputs[0]?.ProductId;
String locationId = rqstInputs[0]?.LocationId;
String status = rqstInputs[0]?.Status;
List<String> serialNumbers = rqstInputs[0]?.serialNumbers;
List<String> scannedSerialNumbers = rqstInputs[0]?.SelectedSerialNumberIds;
List<SerializedProduct> products = new List<SerializedProduct>();
set<Id> setProductItemIds = new set<Id>();
String Query = 'SELECT Id, ProductItemId, Status FROM SerializedProduct WHERE Product2Id =: productId';
if(scannedSerialNumbers!=null && !scannedSerialNumbers.isEmpty())
Query += ' AND Id IN: scannedSerialNumbers';
Query += ' AND SerialNumber IN: serialNumbers';
for(SerializedProduct sp: Database.query(Query)){
sp.ProductItemId = null;
sp.Status = status;
//send updated list to flow and flow will update the records
return new List<Response>{ new Response(products) };
}catch(Exception e){
throw new HandOverControllerException(e.getMessage());
public class HandOverControllerException Extends Exception{}
public class Requests {
public String ProductId;
public String LocationId;
public List<string> SerialNumbers;
public String Status;
public List<string> SelectedSerialNumberIds;
public Class Response{
public List<SerializedProduct> SerializedProducts;
Response(List<SerializedProduct> SerializedProducts){
this.SerializedProducts = SerializedProducts;